Thursday, January 4, 2018

Sessions’ Actions Against Cole Memo Triggers Call to Action from Medical Cannabis Advocates

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Thursday January 4, 2018

CONTACT: Beth Collins | 571-499-1632

Steph Sherer 510-872-7822

Still Protected by the CJS Amendment, Patients Prepare for A Return to Pre-Cole World

Washington D.C. As first reported by the Associated Press, Attorney General Jeff Sessions is planning on rescinding the 2013 memo created by then Deputy Attorney General James Cole. The Cole Memorandum highlighted eight priorities when it came to the federal enforcement of medical and recreational cannabis laws including preventing the distribution of marijuana to minors and preventing diversion.

A recission of the Cole Memorandum, which deprioritized prosecution of marijuana-related cases allows U.S. Attorneys to use discretion in the cases they prosecute. Sessions, an ardent critic of all forms of marijuana has repeatedly called on Congress to not extend the Commerce, Justice, and Science (CJS) Budget Amendment that provides protections to medical cannabis providers and individuals complying with state law by blocking Department of Justice funds.

“The Attorney General’s decision to rescind the Cole Memo shows his true intentions on cannabis ” said Steph Sherer, Executive Director for Americans for Safe Access.“While the Cole Memo was not perfect, it created a workable framework for states to regulate cannabis. States work within the Cole Memo, not against it. However, it is important to remember that this memo is not what provides protection to patients and providers. They are protected by the CJS Medical Marijuana amendment and it is more important than ever for Congress to renew these protections in the FY2018 Budget.”


The blog post Sessions’ Actions Against Cole Memo Triggers Call to Action from Medical Cannabis Advocates is courtesy of Giggles N Dimples Blog


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