Friday, March 30, 2018

Weekly Legislative Roundup 3/30/18

Welcome to the latest edition of NORML’s Weekly Legislative Roundup!

I first want to bring your attention to a key development at the federal level. U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) announced that he will introduce a bill to legalize industrial hemp next month. The legislation will not only change hemp’s status under the law but will also set aside federal funds to support its cultivation.

At the state level, New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy has made dramatic changes to the state’s regulatory program. Changes include: reduced cost of the medical marijuana registry for patients by 50%; reduced cost for veterans, seniors, and those on disability by 90%; expanded the qualifying conditions list to include Tourette syndrome, chronic pain, and other conditions; and other much needed technical fixes.

Also at the state level, Iowa regulators offered medical cannabis dispensary licenses to five businesses, and North Dakota activists say they’ve collected more than half the signatures they need to qualify a marijuana legalization ballot measure.

At a more local level, New Orleans, Louisiana marijuana arrests are dramatically down following the enactment of an ordinance that allows police to issues summonses for low-level possession.

Following are the bills from around the country that we’ve tracked this week and as always, check for legislation pending in your state.

Don’t forget to sign up for our email list and we will keep you posted as these bills and more move through your home state legislature and at the federal level.

Your highness,

Priority Alerts


End Prohibition: Representatives Tom Garrett (R-VA) and Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) have introduced bipartisan legislation, HR 1227, to exclude marijuana from the Controlled Substances Act, thus leaving states the authority to regulate the plant how best they see fit.

The “Ending Federal Marijuana Prohibition Act of 2017” eliminates federal criminal penalties for possessing and growing the plant. This legislation gives states the power and flexibility to establish their own marijuana policies free from federal interference.

Click here to e-mail your Representative and urge them to support this important legislation


The Connecticut Legislature is considering several bills to to regulate and tax the retail sale of marijuana to adults. HB 5111 and HB 5112 are still pending in the Joint Committee on General Law, and HB 5458 died in a House committee last week.

Update: The General Assembly’s Appropriations Committee held a hearing on 3/28 on another proposal, HB 5394, to develop a plan to legalize and regulate the retail sale of marijuana in the state and to provide for substance abuse treatment, prevention, education and awareness programs and measures.

CT resident? Click here to email your elected officials in support of legalization efforts

South Carolina

Legislation is pending, H 3521 and S 212: The South Carolina Compassionate Care Act, to allow for the physician-authorized use of marijuana for patients with specific debilitating medical conditions. If passed, the bill would provide patients with regulated access to medical cannabis via licensed providers.

Update: The Senate Medical Affairs Committee approved S 212 on 3/29 on an 8-6 vote, after it was approved by the subcommittee on a 3-2 vote last week. H3521 was tabled after the House Medical, Military, and Public and Municipal Affairs Committee held a hearing, but the Chairman didn’t put the bill on the agenda.

SC resident? Click here to email your elected officials in support of medical marijuana access


Medical Extracts
State Representative Jeremy Faison (R) and State Senator Steve Dickerson (R) have introduced legislation, SB 1710 and HB 1749 to establish a limited medical marijuana access program in Tennessee.
The measure permits qualified patients to possess marijuana-infused oil products, as well as other non-herbal forms of cannabis, from state-licensed dispensaries. Both patients and physicians would be required to participate in a state registry.

Update: HB 1749/SB 1710 was significantly amended at the request of the sponsor. As amended, the measure depenalizes the possession of CBD extracts by qualified patients, and also provides protections to those from out of state. It does not provide an in-state regulated supply system for CBD products. Members of the House Criminal Justice Committee approved the amended bill on 3/28.

HB 1749 will be heard by the Health Committee on 4/3, and SB 1710 will be heard by the Senate Judiciary Committee also on 4/3.

TN resident? Click here to email your elected officials in support of CBD extracts

Medical Cannabis
Legislation is pending, HB 830 and SB 1119, to establish a medical marijuana access program.

The bill would provide qualified patients with access to cannabis therapy through licensed dispensaries or pharmacies, under the supervision of a certified practitioner. The bill would also prohibit employers from discriminating against individuals solely because of their status as a medical cannabis patient.

TN resident? Click here to email your elected officials in support of medical cannabis access

New Jersey

Legislation is pending, S2426 and A3740, to further expand the state’s medical marijuana law.

The measures provide doctors the discretion to recommend medical marijuana to any patient for whom they believe it will provide a benefit.

NJ resident? Click here to email your elected officials in support of medical expansion

New Hampshire

Legislation is pending, SB 388, to expand the state’s medical cannabis program.

The bill would authorize the Department of Health and Human Services to establish a second dispensary location in the geographic area that includes Carroll, Coos, and Grafton counties for therapeutic cannabis. Currently there are only four licensed dispensaries operating across the state to serve an estimated 3,500 patients.

Update: SB 388 passed the Senate on 3/22, and now awaits action in the House Health, Human Services and Elderly Affairs Committee.

NH resident? Click here to email your elected officials in support of medical expansion


Additional Actions to Take


Legislation has been introduced by Sen. Bob Hertzberg [D], SB 930, to assist financial institutions to safely conduct transactions with licensed cannabis businesses.

Update: SB 930 will be heard by the Senate Banking and Financial Institutions Committee on 4/18 at 1:30pm in Room 112.

CA resident? Click here to email your elected officials in support of banking access


Legislation is pending, HB 2729, to allow for out-of-state medical marijuana cardholders to access medical cannabis while visiting Hawaii. It already passed the House earlier this month.

Other provisions in the bill prohibit employers from either discriminating against or taking punitive actions against employees solely based on their medical cannabis use or patient status.

Update: HB 2729 will be heard by the Senate Ways and Means Committee on Thursday 3/29 at 10:50am in Conference room 211.

HI resident? Click here to email your elected officials in support of reciprocity


HB 2913 is pending: The Oklahoma Industrial Hemp Agricultural Pilot Program. If passed, this bill would allow universities to cultivate hemp for research and development purposes. It already passed the House unanimously earlier this month.

Update: HB 2913 was approved by the Senate Agriculture and Wildlife Committee on 3/27, and is now awaiting action from the Appropriations Committee.

OK resident? Click here to email your elected officials in support of a hemp pilot program


Legislation is pending, SB 263, to establish a state-licensed industrial hemp research program. It was already approved by the Senate last month.

Update: SB 263 was approved by the House on 3/28 by a 123-1 vote. It now awaits action from the Governor.

KS resident? Click here to email your Governor in support of hemp research

That’s all for this week, check back next Friday for more legislative updates!


The blog article Weekly Legislative Roundup 3/30/18 Read more on:


Thursday, March 29, 2018

Senate Leader McConnell to Introduce Hemp Legalization Bill

Left to right: Kentucky’s pro-hemp senators, Rand Paul (left) and Mitch McConnell.

Kentucky farmers have long been at the forefront of hemp cultivation in America. With records of it being planted there dating back to 1775, it’s fitting that nearly 250 years later a senator from Kentucky would spearhead efforts to separate hemp—at least agriculturally—from its psychoactive cousin.

On March 26, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) announced that he plans to introduce the Hemp Farming Act of 2018. If passed by Congress, it would finally legalize hemp as an agricultural commodity and remove it from the Controlled Substances Act.

“Hemp has played a foundational role in Kentucky’s agricultural heritage,” McConnell explained at the state Department of Agriculture in Frankfort, where he was joined by Commissioner of Agriculture Ryan Quarles. “I believe it can be an important part of our future. We’re ready to take the next step and build upon the successes we’ve seen with Kentucky’s hemp pilot program.”

Hemp farming in Kentucky has experienced a resurgence since the passage of the Agricultural Act of 2014 (a.k.a. the Farm Bill), which defined industrial hemp as distinct from marijuana, and authorized colleges, universities and the Agriculture Department to grow it for research under pilot programs. The amount of hemp planted in the Bluegrass State has increased from 33 acres to more than 3,200 since the pilot program was launched in 2015. As of February, the Agriculture Department had 248 growers and 35 processors participating. Quarles believes hemp’s long-term prospects in Kentucky are promising, as the state has a network of tobacco processors that can turn raw hemp into products such as plastics, textiles and construction materials.

Rand Paul to Co-Sponsor Bill

“I fully support the cultivation of industrial hemp,” added Kentucky’s other senator, Rand Paul, a Republican who’s a cosponsor of the Hemp Farming Act. “Allowing farmers to cultivate industrial hemp and benefit from its many uses will boost Kentucky’s economy and bring much-needed jobs to the agriculture industry.”

Senators McConnell and Paul are looking to enhance Kentucky’s position as the state leading the way on hemp production and to remove the federal barriers that have stifled the industry. The law would also allow hemp researchers to apply for federal grants from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, something that’s been denied because of hemp’s illegality.

SEN. MITCH MCCONNELL: “Hemp has played a foundational role in Kentucky’s agricultural heritage.”

In the mid-19th century, Kentucky produced 40,000 tons of hemp per year, with a value of $5 million. But production took a precipitous fall after the abolition of slavery, although Kentucky remained the nation’s leading hemp producer, according to the late University of Kentucky historian James F. Hopkins’ A History of the Hemp Industry in Kentucky. The enactment of the federal Marijuana Tax Act in 1937 put hemp in legal limbo, although it had a brief revival during World War II after the Japanese conquered the Philippines, the main source of rope fiber. It disappeared after the war when the federal government defined any form of the cannabis plant as “marijuana.”

Kentucky’s hemp history dates back to 1775

Switching from Tobacco to Hemp

Should the Hemp Farming Act of 2018 pass, it would be a boon not only for the nation’s farmers, but also for the U.S. economy. Sales of American-made hemp products soared to $688 million in 2016—but most of the hemp used was imported from China and Europe. Hemp is poised to become a substitute for tobacco farming in Kentucky, where tobacco yields have declined by 36% decline since 2014, from 163 million pounds to to 104 million pounds.

Sen. McConnell’s support for hemp, however, doesn’t extend to other uses of the cannabis plant. He received a grade of F on NORML’s Congressional Scorecard, because of his opposition to legalizing marijuana and to the Rohrabacher-Blumenauer amendment, which protects businesses and patients from federal prosecution in states where medical marijuana is legal.

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If you enjoyed this Freedom Leaf article, subscribe to the magazine today!

The post Senate Leader McConnell to Introduce Hemp Legalization Bill appeared first on Freedom Leaf.


The following post Senate Leader McConnell to Introduce Hemp Legalization Bill is republished from The Giggles N Dimples Blog


Most Popular Dab Rigs and Dab Accessories

Most Popular Dab Rigs at Thick Ass Glass

The most popular dab rigs at Thick Ass Glass consist of a variety of glass water pipes. From funky shapes and designs to classic pieces, our dab rigs are highly sought-after. One of these reasons is the quality. Our glass quality is some of the best in the business. When you purchase a dab rig from us, you know that it will last. Check out these popular dab rigs and try one yourself!


Leading off for us is the TAG - 12” Bent Neck Fixed 8 Arm Tree with a Honeycomb Perc. Try and say that one three times fast. This monster of a water pipe stands at exactly one foot high. You need all that extra space with this honeycomb percolator. This honeycomb perc water pipe is made with strong borosilicate glass to provide enhanced reliability. The bent neck allows for ease of use. This piece is not just one of our most popular dab rigs; it’s one of the most popular dab rigs online, period.


This small but mighty 3.5” pendant rig is built with an inline diffuser, which helps make the smoke smoother. This dab rig also comes with its own dab nail, so you have everything you need to get started in one package.


With a wide base, this dab rig is poised to take its position on your living room coffee table. The Hammerhead Perc dab rig stands at 8.25” tall with an extra-wide circumference. Basically, it’s a beast.  The hammer head percolators help to keep hits super smooth and easy to manage. They also come in a variety of colors, including white, sandblasted or graffiti engraved. Plus, you can choose between a male and female joint.


A dab rig with an incycler!? Yes. You’ve read that right. If you’re wondering what the heck an incycler is, it’s a piece of the oil rig that delivers smooth hits by keeping the water continually flowing. Another favorite feature is the 45x5MM can, because the smaller interior volume increases the flavor. Bonus: You can choose from several slick colors.

The Best Dab Rig Accessories

  • 3” Titanium Carb Cap With Dabber With Ball Point
  • 8.25" Double Honeycomb Ash Catcher w/ Recycling E.C. - 18MM Male
  • 5.5" Quartz Banger Carb Cap Dabber - 20MM Diameter
  • 4.25" Square Body Grade 2 Titanium Dabber
  • Quartz Banger UFO Disc Carb Cap
  • Side Arm Titanium Domeless Nail
  • Quartz Round Bowl Domeless Nail
  • Quartz Honey Bucket with OFZ Carb Cap - 16x2MM-4MM Bucket
  • Titanium Flux Nail

Find More Dab Rigs and Accessories At Thick Ass Glass

Thick Ass Glass is the place to go when you’re looking for a reliable and durable dab rig. If you’re not quite in love with any of our most popular dab rigs, we’ve got plenty of unique options, too.We also have a variety of other bangers, carb caps, domeless quartz nails and much more. Browse our products and find the right water pipes and accessories for you today.


Most Popular Dab Rigs and Dab Accessories See more on: The Giggles N Dimples Blog


Top 4 Weirdest and Coolest Water Pipes

Top 4 Weirdest and Coolest Water Pipes

Looking for a unique water pipe for yourself, or maybe a kick-ass gift for someone else? We present to you our top four weirdest,coolest water pipes. But these babies are so much more than water pipes. They’re conversation pieces. Works of art. And anything but ordinary. Scroll through crazy colors, dizzying spirals and more.


Kicking off our coolest water pipe list is the Multiplying Inline Sextuple Recycler. At first glance, this piece is completely insane! With crisses and crosses of tubes, this may not even look like a water pipe to the untrained eye. With a plethora of recyclers, the hit gets smoother and smoother.  


The design of this water pipe varies. However, it’s efficiency is the same across the board. The Faberge Egg Klein water pipe is one of the coolest water pipes to come across your screen. Do you know what the original “Faberge” is? It’s described as a jeweled egg that was created for royalty in Russia in the 1800s. And as you can see,this water pipe is a jewel. Standing at just above 9 inches, it showcases dazzling percolators, and it’s available in a variety of radiant colors.


It’s a little more subtle than the colorful Faberge water pipes, but this piece is just as artistic. Check out the way the glass is formed in the middle and try to wrap your head around how it all connects. On top of its wonderfully weird shape, this Faberge water pipe also has a super slit donut perc, which creates a unique draw that sets this piece apart from the rest. With a bent neck, bellow base (bell-shaped base) and quality glass — you can’t go wrong.


This four-inch micro beaker is a small but mighty water pipe, designed for fun. Laced with a sick tye-die-like design, this micro beaker comes in three different color combinations. Choose from blue and white, red and white, or dark green and yellow. For this micro beaker, we suggest getting quartz or titanium for a longer-lasting nail.

You’ll Always Find The Coolest Water Pipes At Thick Ass Glass

Thick Ass Glass is the place to go when you’re looking for a reliable and durable glass water pipe. Plus, these water pipes spice it up and bring the funk! We have a variety of other awesome glass water pipes, bangers, carb caps, domeless quartz nails and much more. Browse our products and find the right water pipe for you today.


Top 4 Weirdest and Coolest Water Pipes is courtesy of The Giggles N Dimples Blog


Most Popular Water Pipe and Dab Accessories

Most Popular Water Pipe and Dab Rig Accessories

Water pipe and dab rig accessories from Thick Ass Glass can help make your already-awesome water pipes and dab rigs even better. Add-ons like percolators, quartz bangers and more can help you enjoy your piece more. Whatever part of the experience you’re looking to improve, we’ve got an accessory for every water pipe or dab rig out there. And when you purchase a water pipe or dab rig accessory from Thick Ass Glass, you know it’ll last. Check out these popular accessories and try one yourself.


If you’re looking for a replacement water pipe slide, this one will do the trick. This water pipe accessory comes with a pinched screen, which stops excess debris from falling through and clouding the water pipe. At an affordable price, this slide even comes with a handle! You can also choose your color and size.


An extension of your dab rig, this accessory works perfectly with most all the dab rigs we offer. Choose between three different sizes, including a 10MM female and either a 10MM or 18MM male joint size. Made of our signature quality glass, this quartz banger has a wall thickness of 2MM. On top of its special ability to retain heat, it also offers great high air flow.


Don’t let a broken downstem keep you out of commission! This water pipe accessory is an ideal replacement downstem. We currently have a long list of sizes for you to choose from. No matter the size of your water pipe, we have the downstem to fit. Choose from sizes as low as three inches all the way up to six and a half inches. Made of our quality glass, this downstem is meant to last.  


Turn heads with this 45-degree quartz banger. Depending on the angling of your dab rig, this quartz banger could be the most useful dab rig accessory. Benefits of this quartz banger include more comfortable usage, heat retention and of course quality.


Kill two birds with one accessory. This titanium carb cap also acts as a dabber. Combining two uses into one product makes smoking more convenient. You can use the dabber to pull concentrate and then use the carb cap to cover your quartz banger. And you know it’s safe because the titanium is even purer than medical grade.

Find More Water Pipe and Dab Rig Accessories At Thick Ass Glass

Thick Ass Glass is the place to go for all kinds of reliable and durable water pipes, dab rigs, and accessories. Didn’t find the accessory you were looking for? We’ve got plenty of other bangers, carb caps, domeless quartz nails and much more. Browse our products now and find the right water pipes and accessories for you.


The following blog post Most Popular Water Pipe and Dab Accessories See more on: The Giggles N Dimples Blog


Most Popular Water Pipes for Smoking Dry Herbs

Most Popular Water Pipes for Smoking Dry Herbs

The most popular water pipes at Thick Ass Glass span a wide range of sizes and come with all different features. So there’s a little something here for everyone. Plus, our quality is unmatched. When you buy a water pipe from Thick Ass Glass, you know it'll last. So check out these popular water pipes and try one yourself!


This water pipe is a spectacle. Whether you prefer blue, red, white or black — pick the one to suit you. This water pipe has a glass thickness of 7MM and stands at 16 inches. As you probably guessed based on the name, this water pipe has a double honeycomb disc. And there are more than 90 holes in each for extra smooth hits. It also features a cyclone spinning splash guard so that no water splashes into your mouth! Check this dry herb water pipe out now.


Sometimes, the classic water pipe does the job. There are no bells and whistles on this one, just great quality glass for smoking dry herb. At 18 inches tall,  it towers above other beaker type water pipes across the industry. These beakers feature a 50x9MM thick neck along with a SUPER THICK beaker bottom, ranging from 10-12MM thick. This all-around thickness is what sets our beakers apart from others. Some brands may have thick necks on their beakers while leaving the beaker bottoms thin at around 4-5MM, which is very fragile. This product, on the other hand, is so thick it could double as a home protection device!


Weighing in at just a little over three pounds, this piece is monstrous. And it may be just the dry herb water pipe you’ve been looking for. Things get taken up a notch with a triple honeycomb percolator and a spinning splashguard. With a glass thickness of 7MM, you can bet you’ll be holding on to this water pipe for a while.


The bent neck on this 15-inch water pipe makes it so much easier to hit. Since it stands at 15 inches, you can easily set this on the coffee table and use it without touching the water pipe. Oh, and want to see a cool honeycomb percolator? Then check this one out! The double interior honeycomb percolator provides some of the smoothest hits known to man. With high-quality glass and affordable pricing, this is one of our most popular water pipes for a reason!


This water pipe is straight out of space! The 16” Streamline Double Super Slit UFO Beaker is another sturdy and reliable piece from TAG. And with three levels of refining, before the smoke even hits your lips, it’s also one of the smoothest. It has a thickness of 7MM, and it’s ready to stand the test of time.

Find More Dab Rigs and Accessories At Thick Ass Glass

Thick Ass Glass is the place to go for a reliable and durable water pipe. If you’d rather not follow the crowd by choosing one of our go-to options, we’ve got plenty of unique options, too. We also have a variety of options for concentrates. Plus, you can find accessories like bangers, carb caps, and domeless quartz nails. Browse our products and find the right water pipes and accessories for you today.


The article Most Popular Water Pipes for Smoking Dry Herbs is republished from Giggles N Dimples Blog


Most Popular Quartz Bangers

Most Popular Quartz Bangers at Thick Ass Glass

When it comes to dab nails, quartz bangers are all the rage these days! With the explosion of concentrates onto the scene, we have seen more and more sales of this product. Now, our name is Thick Ass Glass, and we specialize in glass. But even we love quartz bangers. There are many reasons you might prefer a quartz banger over another type of dab nail, including durability, heat resistance, and easy cleaning. Check out our top quartz bangers below.


Take this high air flow quartz banger. You get the high quality of the TAG brand, the benefits of quartz and the added air flow for a better hit. This quartz banger is available in a variety of sizes. From 10MM to 18MM and in both male or female presets.


As an evolution of the high air flow, the trough quartz banger leaves more room for concentrates. The opening of the banger is cupped to extend the amount of concentrate that you’ll be able to use. That makes it extra efficient, and it still comes at an affordable price. The quartz on this banger is FDA approved quartz crystal. It comes in sizes ranging from 10MM all the way up to 18MM. You also have the option of choosing either a male or a female piece.


This quartz banger has a special knack for holding heat longer. Since you’re looking at purchasing a banger, you know that you have to use a torch to heat up any dab nail, then apply the concentrate. Most of the time, you may be rushing with the torch and other pieces to get the perfect hit. With this quartz banger, you can stop rushing! It stays hot longer, so you can relax and enjoy the process. The conical pyramid quartz banger has a quartz thickness of 2MM. If you’re looking for a banger that’s extremely reliable, durable, affordable and easy to use, check this one out.

More Quartz Bangers At Thick Ass Glass

Thick Ass Glass is the place to go when you’re looking for a reliable and durable quartz banger. We have a fantastic selection of other high-quality quartz products, including more quartz bangers, carb caps, domeless quartz nails and much more. Browse our products and find the quartz banger for you today.


Most Popular Quartz Bangers Read more on:


Wednesday, March 28, 2018

[NORML France] Pétition – Cannabis : L’amende ne changera rien, il faut réguler d’urgence!

Le 17 mars 2018, NORML France a lancé une pétition à l’attention d’Emmanuel MACRON, Président de la République, et de Nicole BELLOUBET, Garde des Sceaux, Ministre de la Justice. Une semaine plus tard, ce texte a déjà recueilli près de 12.000 signatures. Une première en France pour une pétition portant sur le sujet du cannabis et de ses différents usages. 

Nous devons désormais promouvoir ce texte au-delà de nos cercles d’influence, en le partageant avec le plus grand nombre de nos contacts. À l’heure où de nombreux pays avancent sur des régulations plus compréhensives quant au cannabis, le gouvernement français propose en catimini une proposition d’amende forfaitaire délictuelle qui ne résoudra aucun des problèmes liés aux mésusages et aux trafics de ce produit.

Signer la pétition de NORML FranceÀ la vue des nombreux dérèglements générés par la prohibition du cannabis depuis plus de 45 ans, la régulation de la filière cannabicole dans son ensemble devient par dessus tout primordiale pour aller vers une société plus encline au respect des droits humains fondamentaux à travers l’accès à la santé, à l’emploi et à la justice sociale.

Nos revendications sont plus que jamais  légitimes, c’est pourquoi tous les citoyens français doivent se sentir concernés par cette question. La guerre aux drogues s’est transformé en une guerre aux personnes, à la santé mais aussi et surtout à la réalité scientifique.

Unis et nombreux, nos voix ne pourront être qu’entendues et respectées, c’est pourquoi nous vous demandons de signer cette pétition tout en la diffusant le plus largement possible.


Le texte de notre pétition dans son intégralité :

A l’attention de d’Emmanuel MACRON, Président de la République, et de Nicole BELLOUBET, Garde des Sceaux, ministre de la Justice.

Le gouvernement a tranché : Pour l’usage de cannabis, tous les citoyens devront s’acquitter d’une amende forfaitaire délictuelle fixée à 300€. S’ils ne paient pas sous quarante jours, la somme est doublée. S’ils ont déjà été condamnés pour consommation, c’est le passage devant le juge assuré.

Monsieur le Président, vous avez été élu sur une promesse de renouveau. En septembre 2016, vous disiez n’être pas contre la légalisation, être prêt à en parler et à en débattre. Nous sommes en mars 2018, le débat n’a jamais eu lieu, et la proposition finale du gouvernement n’est qu’un vulgaire paragraphe, caché dans 82 pages de texte, quelque part entre le statut du Parquet national terroriste et la législation sur les divorces.

Le projet de loi que vous défendez est une commande politique qui continue de marginaliser les plus pauvres, de persécuter les minorités et d’affaiblir les plus faibles.

A dire vrai, il n’y a qu’en France que le sujet pose encore problème. La Norvège dépénalise, le Portugal y est depuis plus de 15 ans, l’Allemagne y réfléchit, le Royaume-Uni infléchit ses positions, la Suisse aussi. A deux heures de Paris, tout le monde peut aujourd’hui se procurer du cannabis légalement.

Aujourd’hui, les consommateurs sont déjà suffisamment incriminés. Certains parlent de “dépénalisation de fait”. C’est faux. La répression des drogues n’a jamais été aussi forte. En 2016, un usager régulier sur cinq a été interpellé. Lorsqu’il y a 220 000 interpellations chaque année, que la réponse pénale est systématique, on ne peut pas dire qu’il y a dépénalisation.

Certes, une partie non négligeable de ces interpellations se solde par de “simples” rappels à la loi. Mais comment en vouloir à un juge réaliste qui constate qu’un citoyen ne fait de mal à personne – pas même à lui-même, en vaporisant son cannabis ? La loi qui incrimine l’usage n’est pas nécessaire, la peine est disproportionnée.

Pourtant le gouvernement a décidé de punir plus. Cette amende va creuser les inégalités : Les plus aisés pourront payer pour consommer alors que les plus pauvres continueront d’être traînés devant la justice. Certains pensent qu’il s’agit d’une simple contravention, que nenni, l’usage reste un délit.

Dans le même temps, rien n’est prévu pour la réduction des risques, qui devrait être la priorité absolue du gouvernement en la matière. Aucune mesure n’est prise pour régler les vrais problèmes: ceux de la consommation des mineurs, des consommations problématiques, de la difficulté d’accès à un produit sain, de la lutte contre les trafics. Dès lors, que vaut cette proposition qui ne résout rien ?

Nous pensons que seule une modification profonde de la loi pourra vraiment changer les choses. Dès lors que l’interdit pénal demeure, les mêmes causes produisant les mêmes conséquences, le système ne changera pas et l’échec du système répressif sera de nouveau constaté.

Que dire alors de ce cercle vertueux qui s’installe partout dans le Monde ? Il faut être aveugle pour ne pas remarquer que les pays ayant adoptés des lois plus réalistes et justes sur le cannabis, connaissent aujourd’hui bénéfices économiques, réduction des consommations, augmentation de la prévention, de meilleure lutte contre les addictions.

Tous les modèles ne sont pas à suivre, il y a bien des limites dans chaque Etat. Mais il y a deux dénominateurs communs : Des centaines de milliers d’emplois créés et une réappropriation du chanvre par la population. Partout où il était hier la propriété de quelques riches trafiquants, aujourd’hui, ce sont des millions de consommateurs à travers le monde qui profitent pour leurs impôts comme pour leur santé d’un produit plus sain, moins cher, et mieux encadré.

Nous ne voulons plus d’une législation qui incrimine. Un débat national sur le sujet est aujourd’hui nécessaire. Il est temps que la question de la dépénalisation et de la régulation soit posée.

Monsieur le Président, nous sommes prêts au changement. 


The following blog article [NORML France] Pétition – Cannabis : L’amende ne changera rien, il faut réguler d’urgence! Find more on:


Book Review: The Hunt for Timothy Leary

Ever see one of those action-adventure flicks where the writers try to stuff everything in, including the kitchen sink? You know, the big-budget buddy movie with exotic locales, international intrigue, improbable exploits, white-knuckle action sequences, witty dialogue, rapid-fire editing and lots of celebrity cameos? And then they blow your mind by insisting it’s based on a true story?

Authors Steven L. Davis and Bill Minutaglio

Bill Minutaglio and Steven L. Davis’ The Most Dangerous Man in America: Timothy Leary, Richard Nixon and the Hunt for the Fugitive King of LSD (their previous book, Dallas 1963, received a PEN Center literary award for research nonfiction in 2014) doesn’t read like a nonfiction book as much as it feels like watching the film version of a book. It’s set in the circa-1970 era of antiwar protests, riots and terrorist attacks.

American society was fracturing as the unpopular war in Vietnam fueled dissent. The Weather Underground, the Black Panther Party and other revolutionary groups viewed violence as “by any means necessary.” In the middle of this commotion was a mild-mannered former Harvard professor turned psychedelic evangelist, Dr. Timothy Leary.

A consummate showman, Leary spent years promoting the use of psychedelics, in particular LSD, and free love to the outrage of establishment America. First at an estate in Millbrook in upstate New York, then in Laguna Beach, Calif., he offered a psychedelic-driven message with catchphrases like “turn on, tune in, drop out” and “question authority.” To hippies, he was a sybarite philosopher king, a celebrity messiah of all things groovy. To President Richard Nixon and his supposed “Silent Majority,” Leary symbolized all they couldn’t stand in the cultural and political upheavals of the time.

Nixon hated hippies and the drugs they used. “We knew we couldn’t make it illegal to be either against the war or black, but by getting the public to associate the hippies with marijuana and blacks with heroin, and then criminalizing both heavily, we could disrupt those communities,” his counsel John Ehrlichman acknowledged in 1994. Law enforcement savaged antiestablishment groups and activists with harassment and bogus prosecutions, including FBI director J. Edgar Hoover’s secret COINTELPRO program of infiltration and provocation.

EXCERPT: “Catching his breath, bracing for shouts and barks and bullets, Tim skitters in circles in the dark until he finally spots his glasses near the fence. Jamming them on, he crouches and begins running serpentine style until he suddenly caroms down a rocky hill.”

Though the book’s title and Leary’s reputation hang on LSD, its plot and most of its pages are driven by weed. After his appeal of a pot bust for two roaches in 1968 got the federal Marihuana Tax Act ruled unconstitutional—it was replaced by the Controlled Substances Act of 1970—Leary was sentenced to 10 years in California prisons. The outrage of the punishment inflamed Leary’s followers, and the Weather Underground helped him escape from a minimum-security prison in 1970.

Leary eluded capture for 28 months while traveling to three continents. The backbone of the book is the high-stakes cat-and-mouse game between him and the mercurial former Black Panther leader Eldridge Cleaver, who harbored him in Algeria. Eventually, authorities seized Leary in Switzerland in 1972.

Like any crowd-pleasing stoner blockbuster, the jokes, the joints, the celebrities and insights keep coming. This thrill-ride of a book not only satisfyingly chugs across the finish line at breakneck speed, it crystalizes both the establishment and the antiestablishment moods of the era—which have similarities with today’s. Even those who lived through the ’60s and ’70s will be amazed at how dangerous America actually was back then, and how the true story of Leary’s exploits was even wilder than any Hollywood fiction writer could have ever imagined.

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CannaGrow Expo

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Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Governor Murphy Of New Jersey Expands Medical Marijuana Program

In his ongoing effort to expand the Garden State’s medical marijuana program to be more patient-oriented, Governor Phil Murphy (D-NJ) has made dramatic changes to the state’s regulatory program.

Changes include: reduced cost of the medical marijuana registry for patients by 50%; reduced cost for veterans, seniors, and those on disability by 90%; expanded the qualifying conditions list to include Tourette syndrome, chronic pain, and other conditions; and other much needed technical fixes.

These changes have been long advocated for by advocates in New Jersey, including South Jersey NORML leader, Temple University Professor, and contributor Chris Goldstein.

Click here to tweet at Gov. Murphy and thank him for his efforts.

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Join us this summer for the 2018 NORML Conference

CongressNORML is pleased to formally announce the dates for our 2018 National NORML Conference and Lobby Day. The conference will run from July 22nd – 24th in Washington, DC at the Capital Hilton. This year, we are excited to add an additional day of activities in addition to our traditional programming. Click here to register now!

July 22nd: NORML Activist Strategy Summit

For 2018, we’ve going to do a deep dive into grassroots organizing with the NORML Activist Strategy Summit. Attendees will be able to choose from a number of important areas of interest and engage in free-flowing, peer to peer strategizing on issues including running an effective chapter, communications strategy, social media and online activism, and more. Each topic area will be moderated by outstanding NORML activists from across the country paired with a member of the National staff and provide an outlet for individuals to share stories based on their advocacy experiences, exchange tips for best practices, and come up with new concepts to put into play to help push us closer to the end of prohibition.

Topics include: Organizing political candidate forums, “big organizing” for lobby days, personal narrative development, and more.

July 23rd: NORML Conference & Benefit Party

On Monday, July 23rd we will host our formal conference programming. There will be panels, debates, and individual speakers covering a wide range of topics including: marijuana and its impact on the opioid crisis, how to engage in local reform efforts, NORML’s role in the 2018 midterms, marijuana reform as a social justice issue, and updates current 2018 ballot initiative efforts.

In the evening, attendees will gather for a NORML benefit party to enjoy live entertainment and networking.

July 24th: Congressional Lobby Day

For the final day, NORML supporters will once again descend upon Congress to advocate for federal reforms. The reason we chose to hold the conference and lobby day at this point in the calendar was because this week represents the final week of legislative session before lawmakers go home for the August recess when they will be explaining to voters why they should be reelected.

Last year, we had activists from 24 different states attend over 150 scheduled meetings with Congressional offices and we aim to exceed that this year, with your help!


We are at a critical time for our nationwide movement to end marijuana prohibition. Join citizens from all across the country to learn new strategies, hear about the latest scientific and political advancements in the reform movement, and meet in person with your elected officials and their offices to advocate for legalization. With over 60 percent of the American people in support of ending prohibition and three-quarters of voters supporting the states that have done so, the time to act is now.

Can’t wait to see all of you this summer!

The NORML Team

P.S. Can’t make it in July? Our efforts are supported by thousands of people throughout the country as we work to advance marijuana reform in all 50 states and the federal level. Can you kick in $5, $10, or $20 a month to help us keep going?


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NFL Hall of Famer Speaks Out at Cannabis Opportunity Summit

MCBA board chair Khavan Khalatbari and NFL Hall of Famer Terrell Davis at the Cannabis Opportunity Summit in Denver on March 23. (Photo by Wally Wallace)

Former NFL running back and Denver sports legend Terrell Davis showed off the Hall of Fame ring he received in 2017 to a crowd of 500 attendees at the Minority Cannabis Business Association’s Cannabis Opportunity Summit on March 23 at the University of Denver.

The Broncos’ all-time leading rusher doesn’t use marijuana for pain or any other lingering condition. But he remembers how the arrests of mostly young black men for marijuana damaged their lives when he grew up in San Diego. Davis thinks it’s time to change that cycle, and sees the development of minority-owned cannabis businesses as one way to accomplish that.

“As minorities, we’re always underdogs,” he pointed out. “We’ve always been labeled ‘can’t do it.’ That’s all we heard growing up. I’ve heard that since I was seven years old. That’s what you guys are now. You’re the underdogs. Embrace it. Take chances. It’s a risky business, and you take the risks. I like that.”

The summit was the brainchild of Kayvan Khalatbari, an Iranian-American entrepreneur who cofounded Denver Relief, Colorado’s second-oldest medical-marijuana dispensary. He’s also chair of the MCBA’s board and is running for mayor of Denver in the 2019 election. After 13 years in the cannabis industry, Khalatbari’s concerned about white males dominating it. “In new states where you see a very limited number of licenses and such a high barrier of entry, marginalized people can’t play, no matter what color they are,” he told Freedom Leaf.

The number of minorities in the cannabis business nationwide is estimated at 10-18%. However, in Colorado, it may be as low as 1%. “This is a state that is supposed to have one of the lower barriers of entry,” Khalatbari notes. “I know that things move slowly, especially in conversations of race and cannabis. But I’d be happy with this being part of every conversation and every possible legislation and regulation that has to do with cannabis implementation. We want this to be a better industry. That is kind of MCBA’s mission, which is that we can learn the lessons of other industries and make this one different.”

MCBA President Shanita Penny—she took over for Jesce Horton, who resigned Jan. 8. after serving as vice president—previously worked as a project leader in the information technology industry. “The MCBA is an opportunity for a community that has specifically been negatively impacted by prohibition to have an opportunity to create generational wealth,” she told Freedom Leaf. “That’s something that we haven’t been able to do. Now we’re creating something that is going to be handed down for generations.”

Diversity, Penny added, is needed in different types of jobs in cannabis, such as testing, transportation and other ancillary businesses. “Not everyone can afford to spend $18 million for a state-of-the-art 100,000-square-foot facility,” she explains.

The Summit peaked on March 23 as 43 speakers—many of them top names in the industry—were featured in breakout sessions that focused on market opportunities, cultural integration, community impact and activism.

MCBA President Shanita Penny: “Not everyone can afford to spend $18 million for a state-of-the-art 100,000-square-foot facility.”

“We work with workforce development and community economic development and we had some ideas about what could work for targeted interventions in the communities most impacted by the War on Drugs,” said Lawrence Grandpre, director of research for the Baltimore-based Leaders of a Beautiful Struggle, a grass-roots think tank that became known for organizing against police brutality and continues working to restore a community decimated by the War on Drugs. “But they always say, ‘Where is the revenue?’ If we had the legalization of recreational marijuana, there would be a pool of tax revenue that could go to a lot of worthy causes, like schools or even the police.

“When you’re under the constant assault, your community has a hard time flourishing. When one-fifth of the workforce is in jail, your community doesn’t have the ability to succeed.”

MCBA has created a model adult-use bill in cooperation with Students for Sensible Drug Policy, the Cannabis Culture Association and the Drug Policy Alliance (all of whom were represented at the summit) and supports Sen. Cory Booker’s Marijuana Justice Act.

Khalatbari thinks that some of what’s been created in regulated markets doesn’t appeal to people of color. “They feel uncomfortable and excluded,” he says. “The MCBA is an attempt to bring them back into the fold. This is about MCBA being a steward of people of color.”

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Monday, March 26, 2018

Mothers and Weed: Living, Parenting, and Smoking Weed

Mothers and Weed: Living, Parenting, and Smoking Weed #1 Reason why Moms Smoke: Another One of those Days… (Written by a mom who tokes up) Mothers and weed go together and for a day like this its like PB&J. Punching out at the office just meant clocking into my other job as mom. Another day where […]

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Henry Rollins Calls AG Jeff Sessions ‘Pathetic’

Former rock star Henry Rollins has become a regular keynote speaker at the International Cannabis Business Conferences. He’ll make his Germany debut in Berlin on Apr. 12.

Noted for his “straight edge” antidrug stance when he fronted the hardcore band Black Flag in the ’80s, Rollins has embraced legalization despite the fact that he doesn’t use marijuana.

“Its illegal status has been a tool to incarcerate minority groups,” Rollins tells Freedom Leaf. “Many people have been injured or killed in the distribution, sales and profiting from illegal sale of cannabis. It’s a good time to turn this around.”

On Trump: “If he wants to hand out death penalties, there will be a lot of doctors getting killed.”

On Sessions: “He’s pathetic. He’ll be out soon enough.”

About the recent commercial legalization of marijuana in his home state, the Los Angeles resident notes: “Cannabis has always been easy to get in California. Now it’s just easier. From someone who lives there, I haven’t seen a change in anything. I bet there’s never been a time in recent history when it was all that difficult to get.”

To Rollins, Attorney General Jeff Sessions is “pathetic, just an annoyance with old ideas, steeped in bigotry—he’ll be out soon enough,” and President Trump’s call for death to drug dealers is “what you say when you have no idea what you’re talking about. He’s not all that smart. He thinks he’ll be killing a bunch of nonwhites. That wouldn’t be the case. If he wants to hand out death penalties, there will be a lot of doctors getting killed.”

Trump and Sessions will surely be targets of Rollins’ comments at Berlin’s Maritim Hotel. “I think that legalization of cannabis anywhere is a political decision,” he says. “It will change things in any country. It’s part of this changing century. Those who are selling legally are part of a changing culture. This is what I want to address.”

Tickets for ICBC Berlin from Apr. 11-13 are available here.

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