What Is A Glass Recycler?
What is a glass recycler? No, it’s not some cool recycling project from your local elementary school. Instead, it’s a revolutionary, easier way to inhale smoke. Glass recyclers “recycle” the smoke in additional chambers. While older and more traditional water pipes have been known to leave you coughing, these new aged futuristic glass recyclers will leave you feeling smooth.
Benefits of Glass Recyclers
Smooth Hits
The way the glass recycler water pipes “recycle” smoke makes it easier to clear. Without a recycler, you may experience the harsh and hot smoke of a more traditional water pipe. So how does it “recycle”? Once you start to inhale, the smoke begins a filtration process. Often, there are percolators that help the smoke to become more refined. It is pulled through the percolator and then put into another chamber that rids it of bubbles. As a result, a glass recycler water pipe provides a smoother hit.
Cooler Hits
Yes, you may look cooler if you use a glass recycler. Especially one with the TAG log on the side. But here, we’re talking about the temperature of the smoke. With traditional glass water pipes, the smoke only comes into contact with the water once, so it’s still hot when it hits your lungs. Say goodbye to that burning sensation with glass recyclers. In contrast to older water pipes, glass recyclers run the smoke past water again and again for a much cooler hit.
Glass Recyclers At Thick Ass Glass
Thick Ass Glass is the place to go when you’re looking for a reliable and durable glass recycler. Whether you’re a beginner or an expert, you’ll find a wide variety of options, including different sizes, percolators, and downstems. If you still have questions about our reliable and sturdy glass, please feel free to contact one of our friendly customer service representatives.
source: https://www.thickassglass.com/blogs/enlightenment/glass-recycler-benefits
The blog post The Biggest Benefits of Using a Glass Recycler | Thick Ass Glass is courtesy of gigglesndimples.com
source https://gigglesndimples.com/2018/03/23/the-biggest-benefits-of-using-a-glass-recycler-thick-ass-glass/
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