Friday, January 25, 2019

Trump Crony Roger Stone Indicted by Mueller and Arrested by the FBI

Donald Trump’s favorite pot head, Roger Stone, is going to face the music for his involvement in the 2016 campaign that mostly focuses on WikiLeaks and his relationship to Julian Assange. A grand jury, based on charges brought by Special Counsel Robert Mueller, indicted Stone on seven counts of obstruction, making false statements and witness tampering on Jan. 24 and FBI agents arrested him in an early-morning Jan. 25 raid of his home in Ft. Lauderdale, FL. His residence in New York was also raided.

“During the summer of 2016, Stone spoke to senior Trump Campaign officials about Organization 1 and information it might have had that would be damaging to the Clinton Campaign,” the indictment reads. “Stone was contacted by senior Trump Campaign officials to inquire about future releases by Organization 1.”

Organization 1 is WikiLeaks and Person 2 is Randy Credico, who allegedly introduced Stone up to Person 1, WikiLeaker Julian Assange.

Stone’s Co-Conspirator Randy Credico

We previously wrote about Stone’s relationship with Credico:

“GOP dirty trickster Roger Stone, 65, claims Credico, 63, was the go-between with Julian Assange and Russian government hackers in releasing emails stolen by WikiLeaks from Hillary Clinton campaign chair John Podesta and the Democratic National Committee (DNC). Credico scoffs at the idea he was the connection in a scandal that may have brought Donald Trump to power.

“It’s generally believed Credico met Assange through his long association with the civil rights activist group, the Center for Constitutional Rights.”

STONE TO CREDICO, OCT. 1, 2016: “Big news Wednesday… now pretend u don’t know me… Hillary’s campaign will die this week.”

The tampering charge regards Credico, a New York radio host who’s been Stone’s stoner buddy for a number of years. In text messages, Stone asked Credico to “Stonewall it. Plead the fifth. Anything to save the plan… And if you turned over anything to the FBI you’re a fool. You need to amend your testimony before I testify. If you testify you’re a fool… I guarantee you you will be the one who’s indicted for perjury if you’re stupid enough to testify.”

Stone encouraged Credico to behave like Frank Pentangeli, the character in The Godfather: Part II who clams up during a Congressional hearing into mob activities when his bother suddenly arrives from Italy and steps into the courtroom. Stone also called Credico a “rat” and a “stoolie” and threatened to kill his dog.

Creedico subsequently decided to invoke the Fifth Amendment and not testify. He wasn’t indicted by the grand jury, despite his clear involvement in steering Stone to Assange

The October Surprise Timeline

On Aug. 16, 2016, Credico texted Stone that Assange had “kryptonite on Hillary.”

On Oct. 1, 2016, Stone texted Credico, “Big news Wednesday… now pretend u don’t know me… Hillary’s campaign will die this week.”

On Oct. 2, 2016, Credico texted Stone, “Off the record Hillary and her people are doing a full court press to prevent (Person 1) from making the next dump… That’s all I can tell you on this line… please leave me name out of it.” The dump refers to WikiLeaks.

On Oct. 3, 2016, Stone to an unnamed person in the Trump Campaign: “Spoke to my friend (Person 1) in London last night. The payload is still coming.”

On Oct. 4, Stone wrote in an email to another unnamed Trump campaign official that Organization 1 planned to release “a load every week going forward” until Election Day.

On Oct. 7, WikiLeaks dumped a new batch of emails stolen from Clinton campaign chairman Podesta. This was Stone, Credico and Assange’s October Surprise. Thanks, in part to these emails, Trump was elected on Nov. 8.


After being released from prison on Jan. 25, Stone claimed he’s innocent of all charges as protestors chanted, “Lock him up.”

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