Thursday, March 14, 2019

Chicago NORML Goes To DC

This year, on April 8th, the Minority Cannabis Business Association (MCBA) will be returning to our nation’s capital in Washington D.C. and playing a leading role in drafting policy agendas to ensure participation of people of color in the cannabis industry.

Chicago NORML is very excited to participate in the summit this year. As we continue our work with legislators, businesses, and our communities on cannabis reform and legalization here in Illinois, our attendance and participation in this summit is crucial.

We could use a little help getting there! Please make a donation which will help defray costs of sending us to this important high-level policy discussion and workshop. Please make an investment in our work by donating what you can.

We expect to engage with industry leaders on important topics that will soon have a direct impact on our communities such as banking, taxation, criminal justice reform, and equity in ownership. Additionally, we expect to address how Federal measures such as Cory Booker’s Marijuana Justice Act, the RESPECT Act, and the States Act will affect us on the local level.

Never have we been so close to comprehensive reform in Illinois and it’s imperative that we get it right. Help us make legalization a reality in Illinois and ensure that it is done so in a way to build an economy that works for all of us.

Thanks for all you do,
Chicago NORML


You can find out more at and follow Chicago NORML on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram


Chicago NORML Goes To DC was first seen on Giggles N Dimples Blog


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